Lockforce Products

Immersive Shooting Environment (ISE)
Immerse yourself in extreme combat training with our Immersive Shooting Environment (ISE). Combining cutting-edge technology and realistic scenarios, ISE takes combatant training to the next level. Experience the future of combat training with ISE.

Live Fire Range in a Box (LFRiB)
Take live-fire training anywhere with the LFRiB, a deployable, ballistically contained indoor range. Featuring interactive video targets and scenario-based training, LFRiB is the ultimate training solution. Deploy the LFRiB for your training needs today

Advanced Range Operating System (AROS)
Unlock seamless range operations with AROS, the world’s leading Advanced Range Operating System. Easily control and supervise complex live-fire practices with maximum speed and efficiency. Discover how AROS can optimize your range operations today

Combat Range in a Box (CRiB)
Transform any range into a dynamic combat marksmanship training environment with the CRIB, the world’s most advanced deployable electronic range system. Elevate your training experience with CRIB’s cutting-edge technology.

Amidon Ballistic Concrete
Experience the ultimate in ballistic protection with Amidon Ballistic Concrete. Proven to absorb thousands of bullets without fragmenting or ricocheting, ABC is the safest choice for live-fire training. Trust ABC for your ballistic protection needs

Non-Ballistic Plastic Furniture Items
Realistic training just got a whole lot safer. Our Non-Ballistic Plastic Furniture Items are designed for specialist shooting applications, providing a realistic ops training experience. Upgrade your training with our durable and realistic furniture items.

Non-Ballistic Wall Pack
Enhance marksmanship and combat shooting skills with Lockforce’s Non-Ballistic Wall Pack. Our training support equipment redefines individual capabilities through reactive, cognitive, and instinctive shooting skills.