Medicinal Cannabis has been legalised in Australia and a number of companies are seeking their licence and permits within this field in order to meet compliance and have been engaging Lockforce to meet these heavily regulated requirements.

The Office of Drug Control regulates to prevent the risk of diversion of medicinal cannabis. As a medicine, medicinal cannabis products are regulated by Both the Office of Drug Control (ODC) and the Therapeutic Administration (TGA), which are part of the Australian Government Department of Health. Together they make up the Health Products Regulation Group.

Media Article:

You must have a medicinal cannabis or cannabis research licence (an ODC licence) and must obtain a medicinal cannabis or cannabis research permit (an ODC permit) before you can cultivate a crop. In order to obtain an ODC licence and permit there are a number of security requirements and documents needed to do so, which are made up of a number of key components.

  • Security Risk Assessments
  • Physical (Site) Security Assessments
  • Information Security Including Records Management
  • Personnel Security of Staff and Contractors
  • Storage, handling, transport and engagement for third party processes
  • All aligned to the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 and Narcotic Drugs Regulation 2016.

Lockforce currently has security advisers deployed in Papua New Guinea to support a Mining Company and Drilling company.

PNG is divided into four main regions: Mamose, Papua, Islands and Highlands.  These regions consist of 22 provinces and the National Capital District.

While only 8.4 million people call Papua New Guinea home, there’s more than 850 different tribes and more than 800 languages to be found in this island nation.

PNG is like no other country with so much unspoilt land and cultures to explore. There are about 20,000 expats living and working in PNG within just about every facet of the economy. Automotive, mining, logging, financial services, aviation and tourism provide many of the expat opportunities. In addition to industry, there are many aid agencies and aid projects in PNG, which attract volunteer workers for all over the world.

In order to provide professional security advice in such a cultural diverse country, it is imperative to ensure you are intune with the local traditions, customs and issues that will arise based on the location and nature of the project.

If you would like a copy of the Lockforce Quarterly News Letter please contact us on

If you would like to discuss your company’s needs further, please contact the Lockforce office closest to you.